SpaceX CEO and founder Elon Musk has shared the first picture of the SpaceX spacesuit. It’s being developed for NASA as a part of Commercial Crew Program. Musk shared the picture on Instagram and praised the functionality and looks of the suit. He also promised to share more pictures in the upcoming days.
here has been a lot of buzz surrounding SpaceX in the past few days, and a big chunk of the same comes via SpaceX CEO and founder Elon Musk’s Instagram account. Recently, he shared the look of SpaceX factory from space, SpaceX Dragon spacecraft docking with the Space Station, and more.
On August 20th, Musk tweeted that we’ll soon get a glimpse of what the next generation of spacesuits for NASA will look like. SpaceX is developing those suits as a part of its Commercial Crew Program. Now that moment has arrived as Musk has sharedthe first picture of SpaceX spacesuit.
Take a look at the SpaceX spacesuit here:
In the post, Musk has said that more pictures will be coming in the following days. It’s worth noting that Elon Musk is himself wearing the spacesuit and it actually works; it’s not a mockup.
It has been already tested to double vacuum pressure. Praising the looks of the suit, Musk said, “(It) was incredibly hard to balance aesthetics and function. Easy to do either separately.”
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